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Hands vs. Feet

Most of us rely on our hands for the majority of our work. So do most massage therapists and the amount of pressure required stresses the thumbs, hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. After all, our hands are not designed to be used for weight bearing – they are designed to hang from trees.  Our feet, however, are designed to for weight bearing.



We generally rely on our hands for the majority of our work. So do most massage therapists and the amount of pressure required for this takes its toll on fingers, thumbs, wrists, elbows and shoulders.  Our hands are not designed to be used for weight bearing, but are designed to hang from trees. However, our feet are designed for weight bearing which allows the therapist to avoid any stress or injury to their own body. The broad application delivered by feet is far more pleasurable and much more effective than from sharp, pointed elbows or thumbs.


Joel Hillman successfully treats massage therapists and many others suffering from repetitive stress injuries. With barefoot compression therapy, Joel relaxes into the compressions with little physical effort. The client receives deep, sustained compressions that deliver a very satisfying, pain relieving and healing effect. The work is done fully clothed with a minimum of skin to skin contact.

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